How to choose the perfect bully stick for your dog?
Several factors come into play when it comes time to choose the ideal sizes of bully stick for your dog. These factors are the size of the dog, the type of chewer that qualifies it and the thickness of the bully sticks.
1-The size of the dog
In general, the bigger the dog, the bigger the bully stick should be. It is therefore recommended to choose a bully stick according to the weight and size of your dog. However, the type of chewer your dog is will greatly influence the outcome in terms of the ideal bully stick size for your dog.

2-The type of chewer
There are 3 types of chewers that require different bully stick sizes. Here is a description to help you determine which type of chewer your dog is.
Light chewer: Nibbler dog who spends days slowly gnawing on a single chew treat or loses interest over time.
Moderate chewer: Selective dog who must satisfy his need to chew with the treats of his choice. He eats some treats and ignores others. He will take his time to chew but he may also finish his stick the same day.
Aggressive chewer: Dog that chews anything and everything aggressively, quickly and powerfully.
If you're not sure what type of chewer your dog correspond to, then you can base on your dog's weight.
3-The thickness of the bully sticks
The thickness of the bully stick you offer your dog will also have a huge effect on the time it will last. We categorize our bully sticks by weight and length. At Happy Chew, each bully stick is individually weighed to ensure the same quality with every purchase. In general, the heavier the bully stick, the denser and thicker it is. Therefore, the chewing period will be longer when the bully stick is thicker and longer.

Best bully stick choices for your doggo!